Comment 11 for bug 713950

Revision history for this message
Cheng-Chia Tseng (zerng07) wrote :

According to #3 Ming-Ting Yao Wei, keeping oblique, bold and italic tyles of Latin chracters might be needed by some Chinese (Taiwan) users, so I think that selecting fonts having Chinese (Taiwan) characters before Latin fonts are better than removing Latin fonts from the configuraiton.

The reason to select fonts having Chinese (Taiwan) characters first:

The order of languages most used by Chinese (Taiwan) users is: Chinese > English > Japanese > Korean > other Western languages(eg. French, Spanish, German, Russia...)

Idealy, the system should select the best fonts including Chinese (Taiwan) characters first, then go to the best Latin fonts to meet Chinese (Taiwan) users' need. They will get CJK and Latin from WenQuenYi Micro Hei first, then get the expanded font type (oblique and italic) from DejaVu.

I propose to select fonts in this order:

* serif
AR PL UMing TW > AR PL UMing HK > AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni > AR PL New Sung > WenQuanYi Bitmap Song > AR PL UKai TW > AR PL UKai HK > AR PL ZenKai Uni > DejaVu Serif > Bitstream Vera Serif

* sanss-serif
WenQuanYi Micro Hei > Droid Sans Fallback > WenQuanYi Zen Hei > AR PL UMing TW > AR PL UMing HK > AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni > AR PL New Sung > HYSong > AR PL UKai TW > AR PL UKai HK > AR PL ZenKai Uni > DejaVu Sans > Bitstream Vera Sans

* monospace
WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono > Droid Sans Fallback > WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono> AR PL UMing TW > AR PL UMing HK > AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni > AR PL New Sung > HYSong > AR PL UKai TW > AR PL UKai HK > AR PL ZenKai Uni > DejaVu Sans Mono > Bitstream Vera Sans Mono