Comment 1 for bug 713950

Revision history for this message
poloshiao (poloshiao) wrote :

This post was original written by xenomorph0525 and was posted here:
I help translate it into English and post it to this bug report.

1. about 69-language-selector-zh-*.conf
The traditional chinese users take more care about normal displaying with chinese fonts than about nice appearance or not with English fonts. Furthermore there are many subjective viewpoints that are highly diversified about being good or ugly looks related to those fonts. Some agree that it will looks better if showing chinese characters with chinese fonts while showing English characters with DejaVu fonts. Others think that it should be better if showing English characters and Chinese characters with the same fonts as well.

2. It will prevent chinese characters from being normal displayed and partially declined to be replaced with square characters in some programs if allowing strings including Bitstream Vera、DejaVu retained in 69-language-selector-zh-*.conf. We have implemented a case study and posted the report in details:

3. We are holding an affixing theme
for survey of being favorable to or against the proposal to edit 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf, 69-language-selector-zh-hk.conf, 69-language-selector-zh-mo.conf among the traditional chinese users. We notify adequately whether they are in favor of removal strings including Serif、Sans、Monospace of DejaVu fonts and replacement with those from chinese fonts when display English characters in traditional chinese locale.
We will gather statistics about agreement or opposition separately at 2/24/2011, one week before the release of Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha 3, and 3/24/2011, one week before the release of Ubuntu 11.04 Beta. We will post the result data here as a reference for language-selector authorities.

4. At the same time we support to edit those programs which have problems in displaying chinese characters without a doubt.

5. Our ultimate anticipation is that there should be not any mojibake by default font setting in ubuntu 11.04 traditional chinese locale. We expect to implement this wish by removing strings including Bitstream Vera、DejaVu from 69-language-selector-zh-tw.conf, 69-language-selector-zh-hk.conf, 69-language-selector-zh-mo.conf. Your kind attention will be appreciated very much.