Comment 24 for bug 363619

Revision history for this message
André Pirard (a.pirard) wrote :

I'm sorry. My above should be disregarded.
According to the following, de_med needs no .aff file of its own.

man hunspell
       -d en_US,en_geo,en_med,de_DE,de_med

       en_US and de_DE are base dictionaries, they consist of aff and dic
       file pairs: en_US.aff, en_US.dic and de_DE.aff, de_DE.dic. En_geo,
       en_med, de_med are special dictionaries: dictionaries without affix
       file. Special dictionaries are optional extension of the base dictio‐
       naries usually with special (medical, law etc.) terms. There is no
       naming convention for special dictionaries, only the ".dic" exten‐
       sion: dictionaries without affix file will be an extension of the
       preceding base dictionary (right order of the parameter list needs
       for good suggestions). First item of -d parameter list must be a base