Comment 3 for bug 2035212

Revision history for this message
David Hedlund (g-public) wrote (last edit ):

> Right, they are not loaded by Language Support because it grabs the old value from something called accountsservice. So you kind of mess it up if you change those variables in ~/.pam_environment manually.

Do you know how to do that with terminal commands so it can be scripted?

> But if you check it with the locale command, you'll find that the Canadian locales are in effect.

Thanks, it is working! I wrote exactly how to do this in the top post. We're a step closer to add user defined locales from the terminal. However, you don't know 100% what is added by the gnome-language-selector -> Regional Formats, the "Display numbers, dates and currency in the usual format for" list. Therefore a command line option to change the user locale would be useful.

> I have to ask: What is it you try to actually achieve?

I'm trying to change the locale from the command line so distros can be configured with scripts, because GUIs are inconvenient when you are evaluating a lot of distros in virt-manager.