Comment 53 for bug 1468027

Revision history for this message
Jeff Bai (jeffbai) wrote :

So hi everyone...

After letting Arthur use my computer for quite a while... well whatever.

I've updated to 2.11.94 on AOSC OS, and here's what I've got.

jeffbai [ ~ ] $ LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 fc-match -a | head -31
NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Regular"
n019003l.pfb: "Nimbus Sans" "Regular"
n019004l.pfb: "Nimbus Sans" "Bold"
n019023l.pfb: "Nimbus Sans" "Italic"
n019024l.pfb: "Nimbus Sans" "Bold Italic"
NotoSans-Regular.ttc: "Noto Sans UI" "Regular"
NotoSansUI-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans UI" "Regular"
NotoSans-Bold.ttc: "Noto Sans UI" "Bold"
NotoSansUI-Bold.ttf: "Noto Sans UI" "Bold"
NotoSans-Italic.ttc: "Noto Sans UI" "Italic"
NotoSansUI-Italic.ttf: "Noto Sans UI" "Italic"
NotoSans-BoldItalic.ttc: "Noto Sans UI" "Bold Italic"
NotoSansUI-BoldItalic.ttf: "Noto Sans UI" "Bold Italic"
NotoSans-Regular.ttc: "Noto Sans" "Regular"
NotoSans-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans" "Regular"
NotoSans-Bold.ttc: "Noto Sans" "Bold"
NotoSans-Bold.ttf: "Noto Sans" "Bold"
NotoSans-Italic.ttc: "Noto Sans" "Italic"
NotoSans-Italic.ttf: "Noto Sans" "Italic"
NotoSans-BoldItalic.ttc: "Noto Sans" "Bold Italic"
NotoSans-BoldItalic.ttf: "Noto Sans" "Bold Italic"
NotoSansCJK-Medium.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Medium"
NotoSansCJK-DemiLight.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "DemiLight"
NotoSansCJK-Light.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Light"
NotoSansCJK-Thin.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Thin"
NotoSansCJK-Bold.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Bold"
NotoSansCJK-Black.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Black"
NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc: "Noto Sans Mono CJK SC" "Regular"
NotoSansMonoCJKsc-Regular.otf: "Noto Sans Mono CJK SC" "Regular"
NotoSansCJK-Bold.ttc: "Noto Sans Mono CJK SC" "Bold"
NotoSansMonoCJKsc-Bold.otf: "Noto Sans Mono CJK SC" "Bold"

Things are getting weird aren't they. But I do need to point out that the "Nimbus" gimbles are from 30-metric-aliases.conf.