Comment 14 for bug 1932579

Revision history for this message
Fábio Blanco (iogui) wrote (last edit ):

@maciek-borzecki, good work!! It seems like a good solution!

@kmiksi, I was searching for it too. I don't know how the translations are in fact included in the sources but I've found how we can contribute to the translation, see those links:

<email address hidden>

@anonymouse67, I've tried the commands you've provided but it didn't work. See:

$ sudo snap install snapd --edge || sudo snap refresh snapd --edge
[sudo] senha para my-user:
2021/09/18 12:54:59.334587 main.go:176: description of prepare-image's "<target-dir>" is lowercase in locale "pt_BR": "o directório de destino"
snap "snapd" já está instalado, consulte 'snap help refresh'