Comment 3 for bug 1546743

Revision history for this message
David Britton (dpb) wrote :


13:58 dpb │ ah, I think I might have it
13:58 dpb │ blackboxsw, benji, new system, never before registered, install old version of client, don't register, then
                   │ upgrade
13:58 dpb │ I bet you hit it
13:59 blackboxsw │ yeah I was tracing bootstrap_tree to setup() and realized it's a system that has never been run
13:59 benji │ dpb: does registration change the directory privs?
13:59 dpb │ benji: I think registration creates the dir
13:59 benji │ pfft
13:59 blackboxsw │ correct, registration or starting the services in general create the dir if it doesn't exist
14:00 benji │ that sounds like a good starting point for tomorrow; I'm going to mark that bug as critical and assign it to me
                   │ and start with it first thing