Comment 2 for bug 132096

Revision history for this message
A.Mon (amonroe-gmail) wrote :

After the most recent update kvpnc now no longer works. Using the vpnc command line I'm able to connect fine. The failure is immediate. I can't locate where a timeout setting would be.

Here's the edited message I receive as a pop up:

Timeout while connecting to {host} ({group}) after 0s. Please check if the VPN server is reachable and the settings (UDP/TCP, local port, UDP encapsulation port) are correct. Maybe the timeout must be increased too.

Here's the edited debug output:

debug: Preserving network environment
debug: Connect try requested, profile: {group}, type: Cisco
debug: vpnc: /usr/sbin/vpnc
info: Gateway hostname ({host}) resolved to "{host-ip}".
debug: vpnc version (major): "0"
debug: vpnc version (minor): "4"
debug: vpnc version (subminor): "0"
debug: Default interface: "eth1".
debug: IP address of default interface: "{local-ip}".
debug: VpncScript: /root/.kde/share/apps/kvpnc/vpnc-script.{group}
debug: Support for TUN/TAP found (compiled into kernel or kernel module already loaded).
debug: Using UDP.
debug: Using userdefined UDP port "10000."
debug: Using tunnel device type: TUN.
info: Trying to connect to server "{host}" ({host-ip}) with user "{user}" and IPSec ID "{group}"...
debug: vpnc arguments: /usr/sbin/vpnc --script /root/.kde/share/apps/kvpnc/vpnc-script.{group} --pid-file /root/.kde/share/apps/kvpnc/vpnc-pid.{group}.pid --natt-mode cisco-udp --udp-port 10000 --ifmode tun -
debug: "vpnc" started.
debug: Timeout while connecting to {host}. vpnc connect process will be killed.!
debug: Connection failed (timeout).
debug: Disconnect requested
debug: Not connected.