Comment 5 for bug 1977995

Revision history for this message
Sergio Callegari (callegar) wrote :

You are right, I missed I "d". I mean ksysguardd, that is the daemon/server, I have no interest in the frontend/client ksysguard. I have fixed the bug title accordingly.

Even if the version number is not updated, it does not seem to be abandoned/unsupported. At there are extremely recent commits (last one 13 hours ago).

As mentioned, the problem is that the widget architecture in plasma is a bit fragile. If a widget hangs, all the desktop shell hangs. If a widget crashes, the whole desktop shell hangs. When a widget expects to be able to talk to ksysguardd and can't, at best it hangs at worst it crashes, in some cases it causes the desktop shell to erratically misbehave in apparently quite unrelated ways.
When the DE becomes unavailable, to most users the machine is gone and recover is extremely hard.

Please, let me advocate again that ubuntu follows a similar migration path away from ksysguard as other distros (including rolling ones, such as arch). Get rid of the front end, keep the backend (libraries + daemon) for some time more, to avoid desktop issues. Other distros seem to carry ksysguardd 5.22.0 together with plasma 5.24.x.