Comment 61 for bug 263441

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Denis Hofmann (linux-denishofmann) wrote : Re: [Bug 263441] Re: kompozer crashes in intrepid when opening the recent files menu

I'm not doing the hard way, only the standard way, wich works fine
before. When others updates as QT or GTK
affects Kompozer, it would be better to recheck it before updates are
public. For beta users (no gurus!), this
means that your preferred tool will suddenly work hazardeous. And when
you have lot to do, it's a little bit harder
to restart with a simple editor.
Thanks for all your info. It works fine now.

Toby a écrit :
> Why are you doing it the hard way? Kompozer under Ubuntu 8.10 is working llike a charm now! Just use the present alpha. It came out today (February 6th 2009) and works perfectly for me. You can either follow the step by step instructions with pictures on
> (It's in German: use to easily translate it by drag and drop)
> or you download the alpha here:
> Download it to wherever you want on your computer and unpack it there. This creates a folder named kompozer. Open it and you find another small picture named 'kompozer' in it. Doubleclick on it and choose execute. You are done! Kompozer starts and you can work with it. NO INSTALLATION NEEDED! If you want to easily create an Icon as starter and things like that which make working smooth, you find instructions in the above mentioned HowTo.
> If you want to deinstall Kompozer again, just delete the kompozer folder and the hidden .kompozer folder (To see hidden folders, open your home/your-name-folder and press Strg +H together and you see them all. Search for .kompozer and put it in the bin. That's it.)
> Thanks Kaze for his great work!