Comment 7 for bug 396589

Revision history for this message
Vaclav Petras (wenzeslaus) wrote :

Alt+Left/Right Arrow is really nice but unfortunately, Kile is the only app which I'm using where it is like this (and the only KDE app which I'm using). So even though it is a really great shortcut which is maybe better than Alt+Number or Ctr+Tab, I need one of them to control Kile conveniently. (Anyway thanks humker for mentioning this shortcut, I can start using multiple tabs in Kile now).

Possibility to change the short cut would solve the problem. Even better would be if Ubuntu Kile package has a default settings with "Alternate" (shortcut) set to appropriate value (Switch To Next Tab = Ctrl+Tab).

For example Firefox and Chrome allows to use both Ctr+Tab and Alt+Num on Ubuntu. And to make the overview complete: Alt+Left/Right Arrow is Go Back/Forward in those browsers. Alt+Up/Down Arrow does nothing while in Kile it is Go To The Previous/Next sectioning command.