Comment 17 for bug 828731

Revision history for this message
Louis Bouchard (louis) wrote :

Hi Steve,

One addition is to check fstab for LVM usage. If used, 'mount --bind' the /dev to gain access to the /dev/mapper entries.

The second thing I found out is that makedumpfile requires /tmp to be writable, so it is not possible to restrict / to be read-only.

Here is the modified patch.

I have done some more tests. I still have the issue when /var is a JFS file system. When switching /var to ext4, the patch works well. For some reason, busybox has problems mounting JFS file systems. Right now, here is what I exhave tested :
/boot XFS
/ ext4
/usr XFS
/var JFS (nok), ext4 (ok)

Merry christmas & a very happy new year.