Comment 2 for bug 801420

Revision history for this message
David Lechner (dlech) wrote :

> KeePass's look & feel fits in very well with Windows, but less so with Unity.

> It would be helpful for it to have an icon in the launcher,
Fixed in KeePass 2.20

> for menus to appear at the top of the screen,
I have started developing a plugin for this. To try it out, in a terminal, type:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dlech/keepass2-plugins
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install keepass2-plugin-application-menu

There is also a separate addon for an Application Indicator (tray icon)
    sudo apt-get install keepass2-plugin-application-inidcator

Since these are plugins, don't report any issues with the plugins here, but rather at

> to use the system colour scheme,
Would be alot of work to make this happen with winforms. Effort would be better spent rewirting using a better cross-platform UI such as GTK or Qt.

> Ubuntu icons, etc.
Not sure what you mean here