Comment 0 for bug 1211876

Revision history for this message
Peter Matulis (petermatulis) wrote : [Precise] keepalived reload buggy

There are at least 2 identified problems with keepalived on Precise when trying to reload the configuration (/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf):

(a) The removal of a server from the cluster does not work when the port of that server is in use by another member server

(b) The change of weight of a cluster member does not work

Reload is done by either:

1. sudo service keepalived reload
2. sudo kill -HUP `pidof keepalived`

The upstream devel list suggests that issue (a) [1] has been resolved in version 1.2.3 which is currently only in Debian unstable via version 1.2.7. I can't find the actual bug supposedly filed by 'Ronie Gilberto Henrich'. I have not tested 1.2.7 as it is not easily available to me.

The pertinent entry for (a) in the upstream changelog [2] I believe is here:

{{{ * check : Fix IPv4 address comparison routine. }}}

This bug is a request to have fixes for both issues ([3] for (a)) introduced into Ubuntu 12.04.
