Comment 18 for bug 260326

Revision history for this message
Michael Mikowski (kfocus) wrote :

FYI, I was able to build this with project neon's kde-nightly build, kde 4.2 beta 2.

I had to get from the repos:

% sudo apt-get install kdelibs5-dev libkonq5-dev

Notice that 'kde' does not appear required. This save lots of time and disk space.

Also, had to enable "Unsupported Updates" in adept sources to update cmake to 2.6.2

Then using the directions from comment 4, the build went smoothly, with a fair bit of warnings. My KDE4-prefix was /opt/kde-nightly.

I have used this at work for a few days, and had no problems. Results were comparable with KDE3.x versions, but looked nicer.