Comment 1 for bug 102386

Revision history for this message
micg (m-gius) wrote :

Here is a "mee too" on Gutsy:

Cups test page prints fine, OpenOffice prints fine, Firefox prints fine, but KPdf or XPdf via lpr to standard printer (which is set to the correct HP printer configured) show the same behaviour as described in the initial post.

Linux mardigras 2.6.22-14-386 #1 Sun Oct 14 22:36:54 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
HPLIP 2.7.7
pdftops version 3.02
cups-config --libs
-lcups -L/usr/lib -g -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/include -DDBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE -lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lgnutls -lz -lpthread -lm -lcrypt

No errors in any log file (/var/log/messages syslog /cups/error_log)
Trying to restart such a "vanished" job, which is shown as completed
gives this error message:

Unable to perform action "Restart" on selected jobs. Error received from manager:
The requested operation cannot be completed.

The IPP report follows:

Attribute Values
job-more-info ipp://localhost:631/jobs/46
job-preserved False
job-printer-up-time Tue Oct 23 13:36:33 2007
job-state-reasons job-completed-successfully
job-uri ipp://localhost:631/jobs/46
printer-uri ipp://localhost/printers/HP_PSC_1315_n
job-originating-user-name micky
job-name Retourenschein hwv
document-format application/postscript
PrintoutMode Draft.Gray
copies 1
orientation-requested 0x3
job-priority 50
job-uuid urn:uuid:11150ac6-7b5a-3b17-6cb5-7ffde07eb3be
job-originating-host-name localhost
time-at-creation Tue Oct 23 13:29:22 2007
time-at-processing Tue Oct 23 13:29:22 2007
time-at-completed Tue Oct 23 13:29:29 2007
job-id 46
job-state 0x9
job-media-sheets-completed 0
job-printer-uri ipp://mardigras:631/printers/HP_PSC_1315_n
job-name Retourenschein hwv
job-k-octets 178
job-hold-until no-hold
job-sheets none none
job-printer-state-message ready to print
job-printer-state-reasons none