Comment 1 for bug 802896

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Mayeul KAUFFMANN (mayeul-kauffmann) wrote :

I confirm the bug. I found a rough workaround but as it's the first time I look into Parley's code, use at your own risk! I'm quite sure it breaks something else. Still it can help the debugging.

I have modified the lines 41 to 52 in flashcarmodewidget.cpp, commenting out everything related to Latex Renderer, see below:

void FlashCardModeWidget::setQuestion(const QVariant& question)
    m_ui->questionLabel->setMinimumSize(QSize(0, 0));
// if (LatexRenderer::isLatex(question.toString())) {
// if(!m_questionLatexRenderer) {
// m_questionLatexRenderer = new LatexRenderer(this);
// m_questionLatexRenderer->setResultLabel(m_ui->questionLabel);
// }
// m_questionLatexRenderer->renderLatex(question.toString());
// } else {
// }

Before doing this, I noticed that mixedlettersmodewidget.cpp had a setSolutionFont function but not a setQuestionFont one.
I tried to mimic the setSolutionFont code into a setQuestionFont code; not sure it is necessary or appropriate.

After doing this, I can use Kde system settings to change the fonts, and the question font changes (sometimes in a weird way: it does not always stay correct I think).

Hope this helps!