Comment 9 for bug 1872075

Revision history for this message
In , LKV (likivik) wrote :

Can confirm

App on Android 9 and Android 10 version 1.13.7
kdeconnect 1.3.5 on Linux

`sudo journalctl --since "1 hour ago" -o cat | grep kdeconnect`:

kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Mount device: "ONEPLUS"
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Created mounter
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Starting loop to wait for mount
kdeconnect.kio: Stat: QUrl("kdeconnect://77ac0c62ffef87e5/")
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Mount device: "ONEPLUS"
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Unmount QObject(0x0)
kdeconnect.core: Converting IPv6 QHostAddress("::ffff:") to IPv4 QHostAddress("")
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Starting process: "sshfs kdeconnect@ /run/user/1001/77ac0c62ffef87e5 -p 1744 -s -f -F /dev/null -o IdentityFile=/home/likivik/.config/kdeconnect/privateKey.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -o uid=1001 -o gid=100 -o reconnect -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o password_stdin"
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Process started
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: "ONEPLUS" "Remote filesystem mounted at /run/user/1001/77ac0c62ffef87e5"
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: stdout: "Unable to negotiate with port 1744: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1\r\n"
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: stdout: "read: Connection reset by peer\n"
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Process failed (exit code: 1 )
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Unmount KProcess(0x15ae280)
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Destroy mounter
kdeconnect.plugin.sftp: Unmount QObject(0x0)