Comment 2 for bug 78787

Revision history for this message
mlaverdiere (mlaverdiere) wrote :


I think there's a misundurstanding. This report is not about a portion of Kubuntu/KDE that has not been translated by the translation team. It's about a problem with the display of some portions of translated text, in French, in Spanish and probably in all other non-English languages.

I did check and can confirm, as an exemple, that the dialog box for unlocking a session or swithing to an other user, that appears once a session has been locked and someone touches the sreen or mouse, is completely (100%) translated in French. See:

However, the dialog box still appears in English in Kubuntu Edgy.

Other problematic portions are so obvious (eg. "copy", "cut", "delete" terms for contextual menus for KDE desktop icons) that it is quite sure that they also have been translated.

Again, it is not a missing translation problem, but a display problem that seems to affect only Kubuntu Edgy. Kubuntu Dapper was (and it's still) working fine for that mather.