Comment 0 for bug 29359

Revision history for this message
Olivier Grisel (olivier-grisel) wrote : Iomega usb key fail to automount on the desktop

On a fresh and up-to-date kubuntu breezy, a iomega usbkey fails to automatically mount (nothing in /media and no usb disk icon on the desktop). All other keys I've tried so far worked well though.

This is not a low level problem since the /dev/sda1 device was automatically created at plug time and as was able to mount it manually with::

  $ mkdir clef_de_pierre
  $ sudo mount -t auto -o user /dev/sda1 clef_de_pierre/

and successfully umount it with::

  $ sudo umount clef_de_pierre

Some more details::

  $ id hal
  uid=111(hal) gid=111(hal) groupes=111(hal),24(cdrom),25(floppy),46(plugdev)

  $ uname -a
  Linux machinaelise 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Thu Dec 22 11:37:10 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

keywords: usbdisk, usb disk key, usb mass storage

Additional info added as attachement (dmesg, lshal and lsusb -v outputs).