Comment 5 for bug 135201

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PFar73159 (pfar73159) wrote :

You are right.

This is a classic case of: "That's not a bug, its a feature"

I like your suggestion of black on yellow, i am not sure if that combination is already used in that list.

In any case, you can work with "dircolors" and set it how you want it to be. I have not worked with it, I think from what I read that if you just leave off the code for the black background (40), your background will remain unchanged (i.e. transparent).

I am new to Launchpad, I am not sure how these bugs are closed out. If you are ok with this, I guess it can be closed. On the other hand if your are expecting to use that LOG link and your real problem is that you do not have the "/usr/local/apache/domlogs/lb" file, then I am out of my element and someone else will have to help with that.