Comment 2 for bug 263751

Revision history for this message
Rocco (rocco) wrote :

Problem is a faulty kde-dolphin.desktop in .local. This is probably an upgrade issue. My system was running hardy with kde4 from ppa. The error was found in .xsession-errors and looked like this:

lasma(18211) KRunMX1::expandEscapedMacro: -miniicon isn't supported anymore (service "Dolphin" )
kdeinit4: preparing to launch
kio_trash(20267) TrashImpl::init: initialization OK, home trash dir: "/home/robert/.local/share/Trash"
klauncher(18073) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/home/robert/.local/share/applications/kde-dolphin.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missingtrailing semicolon).
klauncher(18073) KRunMX1::expandEscapedMacro: -miniicon isn't supported anymore (service "Dolphin" )
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kioexec
kioexec(20268) KIOExec::KIOExec: command= "dolphin -icon dolphin -caption "Dolphin""
kdeinit4: preparing to launch
kio_trash(20269) TrashImpl::init: initialization OK, home trash dir: "/home/robert/.local/share/Trash"
kioexec(20268) KIOExec::KIOExec: Copying "trash:/" to KUrl("file:///var/tmp/kdecache-robert/krun/20268.0.")
kioexec(20268) main: Constructor returned...
kio_trash(20269) TrashProtocol::copy: TrashProtocol::copy(): KUrl("trash:/") KUrl("file:///var/tmp/kdecache-robert/krun/20268.0.")
kwin: X Error (error: <unknown>[DAMAGE+0], request: XDamageDestroy[DAMAGE+2], resource: 0x1402cfd)
kioexec(20268) KIOExec::slotResult: All files downloaded, will call slotRunApp shortly
kioexec(20268) KIOExec::slotRunApp: No files downloaded -> exiting
QObject: Do not delete object, 'unnamed', during its event handler!

rm -rf .local solved the issue, but as stated before might be a problem when upgrading from hardy->intreped.