Comment 3 for bug 746892

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Mats Ahlgren (mats-ahlgren) wrote :


My computer got into a state somehow where this problem no longer went away when switching users, logging out, or EVEN REBOOTING. Even upgrading distributions or disabling proprietary graphics drivers (I had various hunches) did not help.

Seems related to KDE desktop session and/or kwin, since the problem only happens inside a KDE session (also using Compiz Fusion-Icon, if relevant, though problem was not replicable with the kde window decorator). That is, one can type one's username and password normally in the Xorg login screen, but once that happens, the only way letters are registered is if you hold down the key for at least a second. I am typing quite nicely now in an XFCE session.

This bug was *so severe* (typing limited to one character per second, combo keys limited to one combo per 3-5 seconds) that I had to switch away from KDE because the computer was entirely unusable. Suggested assigning to KDE and upgrading to highest severity.

Occurs not only in Karmic and Lucid, but Maverick and Natty.