Comment 22 for bug 38692

Revision history for this message
Mark Henry (mshenryartifakt) wrote :

This bug happened to me soon after installing Kubuntu 7.10 on what was previously a Windows only box. System is dual monitor. The module stopped working a few steps after after I had successfully enabled the second monitor. The monitor first came up as a generic with only 640x480 available, so I reactivated the module to first specify the secondary monitor's type so I could up it to decent resolution. Type was on the supported list. I made multiple changes, __including adjusting gamma on secondary monitor__, before i closed the module this time. Then I went through log-off and re-log-in which was what the program said was necessary to apply some of the changes..On re-log-in, the two monitor's respective gammas didn't seem to change much if at all, so I activated the module again, and changed just gamma on the secondary monitor, by a bigger step. Again, system indicated a log out was necessary to apply the settings. I logged out and back in, saw no apparent change, so I went through actual shut down and reboot. On reboot, secondary monitor gamma was very high, like both changes I made were applied sequentially, and the module stopped working.

   I am of the opinion that the system should direct the user to go through an actual reboot and not just a re-log in to apply these setting changes. I also suspect that inadvertently adjusting a gamma setting outside the normal limits is one of the ways to cause the module to fail, and worse, it looks like the kind of failure that could theoretically damage hardware, or at least leave the user glare blinded!.