Comment 6 for bug 220324

Revision history for this message
RickKnight (rick-knight) wrote :

After removing powersaved and restarting my notebook, guidance-power-manager is working again, however I am still not seeing my battery status. The problem now seems to be that acpid is doing it's job and reporting status for 2 batteries...

rick@rick-laptop:~$ grep -r "" /proc/acpi/battery/*
/proc/acpi/battery/C170/alarm:present: no
/proc/acpi/battery/C170/state:present: no
/proc/acpi/battery/C170/info:present: no
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/alarm:alarm: unsupported
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/state:present: yes
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/state:capacity state: ok
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/state:charging state: charged
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/state:present rate: 0 mA
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/state:remaining capacity: 3764 mAh
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/state:present voltage: 16715 mV
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:present: yes
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:design capacity: 3764 mAh
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:last full capacity: 3764 mAh
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:battery technology: rechargeable
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:design voltage: 14400 mV
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:design capacity warning: 189 mAh
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:design capacity low: 38 mAh
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:capacity granularity 1: 100 mAh
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:capacity granularity 2: 100 mAh
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:model number: Primary
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:serial number: 16425 2005/05/26
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:battery type: LIon
/proc/acpi/battery/C171/info:OEM info: Hewlett-Packard

Notice this at the top ...
/proc/acpi/battery/C170/alarm:present: no
/proc/acpi/battery/C170/state:present: no
/proc/acpi/battery/C170/info:present: no

/proc/acpi/battery/C170 is for an optional external battery (that I don't have). /proc/acpi/battery/C171 is for the standard internal battery. I believe guidance-power-manage is showing the status for C170 and not for C171. Prior to upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy the power-manager worked correctly and showed status for the internal battery and showed the external battery as not present. Something was changed during the upgrade that now makes guidance-power-manage not show status for the correct battery. Is this a bug or a configuration issue?

How can this be adjusted? If it can't, how can I make guidance-power-manage show both C171 and C170.

Rick Knight