Comment 52 for bug 427539

Revision history for this message
Armando Di Cianno (armando-goodship) wrote :

@Matthias and Scott

I can understand your frustration, as well -- I was an official developer for another distro circa 2003-2006. Dealing with emotions, "cares", and the people attached to them, via bug reports, can be difficult, and is almost always frustrating.

However, the statements made above are asinine. I'm simply *not* a Java developer, in a traditional way. I was a) Trying to use Maven with a Ruby (JRuby) application I've inherited, and b) I'm trying to get my feet wet with Scala (whos' tutorial references and uses Maven). While I'm slowly becoming accustomed to the complexity of launching, running, and maintaining Java applications, I personally only view Maven as a tool in my arsenal.

Maven is (erroneously often times) compared to 'make', as it is frequently used similarly. Can you imagine if 'make' was broken? And would you demand that bug reporters were C language masters if they were reporting how a broken 'make' was affecting their application?

In other distros I've developed for, or simply used, I've never seen people /discouraged/ from reporting bugs, or extending reports, even if the additional information was "This is how it broke for me, and this is why I care / what I'm doing."

I'm *really* glad this bug is getting resolved. I'm sorry if my last comment wasn't especially helpful, however, I'd suggest offering critical commentary on what is helpful in a comment, instead of "complaining about complaint comments", so to speak. The statement from Scott that "I find the "OMG, kittens will die" comments from people not involved in Ubuntu development very frustrating and demotivating" is itself extremely demotivating, unprofessional, and rather /unkind/, and most certainly not something I expected from the Ubuntu developers and community.

Again, thanks for the work and fixes.