Comment 0 for bug 1015207

Revision history for this message
Erick Wipprecht (erick-wipprecht) wrote :

When creating a new Cloud environment following MAAS documentation, setup fails when configuring juju (per environments.yaml has been created and ssh keys (both RSA & DSA) have been created. Juju bootstrap appears to work correctly but subsequent attempts to communicate with member servers results in SSH key errors:

root@n7cldmaas01:~# juju bootstrap
2012-06-19 09:55:59,436 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'maas' (origin: distro type: maas)...
2012-06-19 09:56:02,405 INFO 'bootstrap' command finished successfully
root@n7cldmaas01:~# juju status
2012-06-19 09:56:13,688 INFO Connecting to environment...
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 5f:2a:0e:e7:b0:0e:10:fa:cf:d8:43:90:80:2f:d0:3d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
2012-06-19 09:56:15,322 ERROR Invalid SSH key
2012-06-19 09:56:44,093 ERROR Invalid SSH key
2012-06-19 09:57:14,213 ERROR Invalid SSH key