Comment 19 for bug 1273865

Revision history for this message
Richard Harding (rharding) wrote :


> - Can you explain what all the PPA adding and pulling in packages from universe is about? Why not depend on juju-core directly, or is this installation done on other machines?

Quickstart is meant to provide a nice single point to get developers and users started with Juju as fast and effortlessly as possible. It's meant to be a useful tool for users that will be expecting to work on Juju and the latest versions so that they're developing against current and upcoming work. It's not intended to be a production tool for managing your critical production deployments.

This is something that we came at from our typical user point of view, and didn't properly consider the implications for the repositories. We've started work to support a --distro-only flag to quickstart that will allow it to function without adding and fetching Juju from the PPA. This should allow users that wish to stick with the version in distro to do so, but allow most users to quickly get a development environment on the current version going with a single command.

Let me know if you'd prefer to approach this differently. Our goal is to help ease the onramp to Juju for users and, and eventually we hope to get quickstart on the cd so that, from a fresh install, you'd be able to get Juju running with a local LXC environment right away. The goal would not be to get Juju, mongodb, and lxc all built into the cd or on main. It's a starting point and not a complete wrapper.