Comment 9 for bug 1558336

Revision history for this message
Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson) wrote :

I've had a whack at the packaging. I started by switching over to use dh-golang more canonically, which gets some nice things like running the test suite as part of the build and help making a Built-Using header. But then I found that the upstream tests fail ( and odd things about the package mean that dh-golang's behaviour is not so useful. But I've whacked my way to something that builds, you can see it at You can get the orig from my branch with pristine-tar, but I just got r3.2.4.tgz from

Are we going to be applying for an MIR for this package? If I was on the security team I'd have some .... questions, I think. (IMO, as mongo-tools at least claims to support multiple versions of mongo, I think aggressively tracking upstream is probably the best policy).