Comment 8 for bug 1558336

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

Hi Robie.

> In override_dh_clean, rm -rf /tmp/go-build* will interfere with other

Thank you for calling this out. I have removed it. It is not needed.

> Other notes (I can fix up):

The rules were written to work for wily and trusty. I look forward
to removing the work arounds or using a better technique. My hope
is that when officially backporting packages to wily and trusty, only
the control file will change.

> No need for override_dh_strip any more (golang-go produced binaries can
> now be stripped according to bug 1318027). When fixed, can remove
> lintian overrides. Maybe best to leave for now as we're short on time,
> but can leave a bug open to do later.
> No need for override_dh_builddeb since xz is default on Xenial, or are
> you leaving this for backporting ease? If so, then do we know xz will
> work as far back as you want to backport?

I think this is needed to trusty.

> debian/copyright looks superficially OK to me, and I'm happy that Curtis
> can maintain these accurately. Leaving it for the AA to review once.
> Same with debian/missing-sources. Good job on identifying that this was
> required and taking care of it.
> Embedded dependencies: I see 10 bundled dependencies, and four -dev
> packages which presumably override them (cannot check due to lack of
> build, see below). Are the others acceptable to AAs to bundle?

I have reviewed the build logs for my trials on xenial, wily, and trusty.
Only the trusty built with all the embedded go packages.

> Changelog should close LP bug. Changelog arch reference is presumably
> superseded now as we're bulding Arch: any?

Oops, yes a bullet point needs to be removed, Done.

> I'm not sure where to get the orig tarball and there is no debian/watch
> file.

/me hangs head in shame. I didn't commit the watch file. It is not in
the tree.

> Cannot (easily) check lintian without orig tarball.

> Cannot (easily) build test without orig tarball. So I basically just
> reviewed the debian/ directory by looking at it only. It is nice and
> small and easy to review - thanks.

I recreate the tarfile when creating the source package. The quickest
command is
    bzr bd S -- -uc -us

Attached is a diff of the changes made per the review