Comment 6 for bug 1558336

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

I reviewed
~sinzui/ubuntu/xenial/juju-mongo-tools3.2/xenial-mongo-tools3.2 revno 19
for upload.

Summary: looks good, one thing to fix in debian/rules, then I can make the
other changes and am happy to upload.

Good job sending the syscall patch upstream. I appreciate the dep3
header telling me the status.

In override_dh_clean, rm -rf /tmp/go-build* will interfere with other
concurrent builds. We shouldn't stomp on the system like this. I'm not
sure the build should leave anything in /tmp at all. Maybe use TMPDIR to
make it use somewhere else, then clean that? Is there a standard pattern
for this that we can use?

Other notes (I can fix up):

No need for override_dh_strip any more (golang-go produced binaries can
now be stripped according to bug 1318027). When fixed, can remove
lintian overrides. Maybe best to leave for now as we're short on time,
but can leave a bug open to do later.

No need for override_dh_builddeb since xz is default on Xenial, or are
you leaving this for backporting ease? If so, then do we know xz will
work as far back as you want to backport?

debian/copyright looks superficially OK to me, and I'm happy that Curtis
can maintain these accurately. Leaving it for the AA to review once.
Same with debian/missing-sources. Good job on identifying that this was
required and taking care of it.

Embedded dependencies: I see 10 bundled dependencies, and four -dev
packages which presumably override them (cannot check due to lack of
build, see below). Are the others acceptable to AAs to bundle?

Changelog should close LP bug. Changelog arch reference is presumably
superseded now as we're bulding Arch: any?

I'm not sure where to get the orig tarball and there is no debian/watch

Cannot (easily) check lintian without orig tarball.

Cannot (easily) build test without orig tarball. So I basically just
reviewed the debian/ directory by looking at it only. It is nice and
small and easy to review - thanks.