Comment 5 for bug 131422

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Ken Phillis Jr (kphillisjr) wrote :

I just checked against 9.10... here's the key notes:

1) the package discription says it includes inputattach, but does not, this is instead it's own package, but the sources for this are in this package.

2) Force Feedback is not mentioned anywhere in package discription, however the package includes the force feedback utilities source, however the utilities for this are included in this package.

3) the following utilities are built by the joystick source package, but not installed by the deb, and also lack a man page:
 ffcfstress (Force Feedback: Constant Force Stress Test)
ffmvforce (Force Feedback: test orientation of forces )
ffset (Force Feedback: driver test Program), not sure on name of this exactly.
fftest ( Force Feedback: test Program. )

4) the force feedback utility of ffmvforce depends on libSDL.