* Remove the X-KDE-SubstitueUID key from jockey-kde.desktop.in. It is no
longer needed since Jockey now has PolicyKit support, and poses a less
than desirable situation where the whole frontend is run as root.
Fixes LP: #581379
-- Jonathan Thomas <email address hidden> Sun, 16 May 2010 12:30:53 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package jockey - 0.5.8-0ubuntu8.1
jockey (0.5.8-0ubuntu8.1) lucid-proposed; urgency=low
* Remove the X-KDE-SubstitueUID key from jockey- kde.desktop. in. It is no
longer needed since Jockey now has PolicyKit support, and poses a less
than desirable situation where the whole frontend is run as root.
Fixes LP: #581379
-- Jonathan Thomas <email address hidden> Sun, 16 May 2010 12:30:53 -0400