Comment 0 for bug 269175

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Till Kamppeter (till-kamppeter) wrote : SSHing from one Intrepid box to another: No ConsoleKit session

Binary package hint: policykit

I am on Intrepid and log in on another Intrepid box with "ssh -X <IP>". In the ssh session I run the commands

sudo dpkg -P --force-depends splix
dbus-send --print-reply --dest=com.ubuntu.DeviceDriver /GUI com.ubuntu.DeviceDriver.search_driver string:"printer_deviceid:MFG:Samsung;MDL:ML-1610;DES:;CMD:GDI;"

to test Jockey. The window to download the driver pops up, which means that the X forwarding works. Problem is that I do not get asked for my password to install the downloaded driver but I get an "Authentication failed" message pop-up. The only way to actually install the driver is to work on the local desktop of the machine.

oitti told me on the IRC that this is caused by the SSH session not being a ConsoleKit session and this is caused by a problem in the configuration of PolicyKit. Therefore I report this as a bug in PolicyKit.

"ck-list-sessions" shows my SSH session.