Comment 2 for bug 997264

Revision history for this message
nbetham (nbetham) wrote :

I think this bug is something along the lines of the problem that I am having with clients failing to connect. Connecting with Pidgin on Windows yields the following error in the log for the jabberd server:

Mon Jun 4 12:28:22 2012 [notice] [10] [, port=38482] connect
Mon Jun 4 12:28:23 2012 [notice] [10] [, port=38482] error: XML parse error (not well-formed (invalid token))
Mon Jun 4 12:28:23 2012 [notice] [10] [, port=38482] disconnect jid=unbound, packets: 0

Keep in mind that I'm using an ssh tunnel to log in which is why the client is listed as If you need more logs from the other parts of the jabber instillation let me know.

I am currently running Ubuntu Server 12.04 with JabberD Version: 2.2.8-2.2build1

This problem was supposedly fixed in the main JabberD repository, version 2.2.15, but I have been unable to locate the changes that fixed the issue as the linked Github change set returns a 404. But I imagine the maintainer could shed some light on the issue. Here is the link to the bug with fix commit linked in the second to last comment:

As far as compiling the updates from the main repository, I have had no success in getting the releases or master branch of the Github repo to compile properly.