Comment 0 for bug 1926139

Revision history for this message
Martijn van Duren (cloudvps-martijn) wrote : dhclient doesn't receive dhcp offer from kernel

Platform: Qemu/libvirt on AMD64
Ubuntu version: 20.04
isc-dhcp-client version: 4.4.1-2.1ubuntu5
Problem: When dhclient is used during boot every few reboots the DHCP OFFER packets aren't pushed from the kernel to dhclient. The DISCOVER packets can be seen in strace and tcpdump. The OFFER packets can be seen in tcpdump, but no read event is triggered.
Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't have the problem, neither does Debian 10. Building these dhclient versions on Ubuntu 20.04 alleviates the problem a little, but it still occurs. So this issue might also be kernel related.

Attached diff shows a strace of all threads and a pcap showing the tcpdump output.