Comment 40 for bug 1529815

Revision history for this message
Rafael David Tinoco (rafaeldtinoco) wrote :

Verification for Trusty:

## server

root@dixie:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty

root@dixie:~# dpkg -l | grep dhcp
ii isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.6 amd64 ISC DHCP client
ii isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.6 amd64 common files used by all the isc-dhcp* packages
ii isc-dhcp-server 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.6 amd64 ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment

## client

root@hertz:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty

root@hertz:~# dpkg -l | grep dhcp
ii isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.6 amd64 ISC DHCP client
ii isc-dhcp-common 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.6 amd64 common files used by all the isc-dhcp* packages


## tcpdump showing broadcast flag set (client was able to get IP)

root@dixie:~# tcpdump -i ib0 -nn -vvv -S
Sep 8 12:31:32 dixie kernel: [ 1763.559815] device ib0 entered promiscuous mode
tcpdump: listening on ib0, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 65535 bytes
Sep 8 12:31:36 dixie dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from via ib0
Sep 8 12:31:36 dixie dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to via ib0
Sep 8 12:31:36 dixie dhcpd: Dynamic and static leases present for
Sep 8 12:31:36 dixie dhcpd: Remove host declaration dixie or remove
Sep 8 12:31:36 dixie dhcpd: from the dynamic address pool for
Sep 8 12:31:36 dixie dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from via ib0
Sep 8 12:31:36 dixie dhcpd: DHCPACK on to via ib0
12:31:36.612464 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 128, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP, Request, length 300, htype 32, hlen 0, xid 0x6189781a, Flags [Broadcast] (0x8000)
          Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
            Magic Cookie 0x63825363
            DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Discover
            Hostname Option 12, length 5: "hertz"
            Parameter-Request Option 55, length 13:
              Subnet-Mask, BR, Time-Zone, Default-Gateway
              Domain-Name, Domain-Name-Server, Option 119, Hostname
              Netbios-Name-Server, Netbios-Scope, MTU, Classless-Static-Route
            Client-ID Option 61, length 17: hardware-type 56, 30:3a:30:30:3a:30:30:3a:34:38:3a:46:45:3a:38:30
            END Option 255, length 0
            PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 15
12:31:36.612713 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 128, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300, htype 32, hlen 0, xid 0x6189781a, Flags [Broadcast] (0x8000)
          Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
            Magic Cookie 0x63825363
            DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Offer
            Server-ID Option 54, length 4:
            Lease-Time Option 51, length 4: 600
            Subnet-Mask Option 1, length 4:
            BR Option 28, length 4:
            Domain-Name Option 15, length 7: ""
            END Option 255, length 0
            PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 23
12:31:36.612957 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 128, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP, Request, length 300, htype 32, hlen 0, xid 0x6189781a, Flags [Broadcast] (0x8000)
          Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
            Magic Cookie 0x63825363
            DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Request
            Server-ID Option 54, length 4:
            Requested-IP Option 50, length 4:
            Hostname Option 12, length 5: "hertz"
            Parameter-Request Option 55, length 13:
              Subnet-Mask, BR, Time-Zone, Default-Gateway
              Domain-Name, Domain-Name-Server, Option 119, Hostname
              Netbios-Name-Server, Netbios-Scope, MTU, Classless-Static-Route
            Client-ID Option 61, length 17: hardware-type 56, 30:3a:30:30:3a:30:30:3a:34:38:3a:46:45:3a:38:30
            END Option 255, length 0
            PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 3
12:31:36.613122 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 128, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300, htype 32, hlen 0, xid 0x6189781a, Flags [Broadcast] (0x8000)
          Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
            Magic Cookie 0x63825363
            DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: ACK
            Server-ID Option 54, length 4:
            Lease-Time Option 51, length 4: 600
            Subnet-Mask Option 1, length 4:
            BR Option 28, length 4:
            Domain-Name Option 15, length 7: ""
            END Option 255, length 0
            PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 23
4 packets captured
4 packets received by filter