Comment 25 for bug 1651561

Revision history for this message
Hatlábú Farkas (hatlabufarkas) wrote :

KDE ubuntu 18.04 64 bits , ( fully updated )
the openarena is NOT working in here too.
launching from terminal, this happens :

13726 files in pk3 files
Loading vm file vm/qagame.qvm...
File "vm/qagame.qvm" found in "/usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088.pk3"
...which has vmMagic VM_MAGIC_USE_NATIVE.
... trying pak6-patch088/qagame
Loading DLL file /usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088/ instead.
Loading DLL file: /usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088/
Sys_LoadGameDll(/usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088/ found vmMain function at 0x7f76ee486b82
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: baseoa
gamedate: Jan 19 2018
Not logging to disk.
Gametype changed, clearing session data.
^3!readconfig: ^7could not open admin config file admin.dat
Sprees/Kills: loaded 1 killing sprees, 0 death sprees, and 0 multikills.
0 teams with 0 entities
16 items registered
------- BotLib Initialization -------
loaded weapons.c
loaded items.c
loaded syn.c
loaded rnd.c
loaded match.c
loaded rchat.c
------------ Map Loading ------------
trying to load maps/oa_rpg3dm2.aas
loaded maps/oa_rpg3dm2.aas
----- Client Shutdown (Received signal 11) -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
OpenAL capture device closed.
----- Server Shutdown (Received signal 11) -----