Comment 6 for bug 1435695

Revision history for this message
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh (hmh) wrote :

Suggestions welcome. I do mean it as in "supply the suggested text changes", btw.

Note that:

  1. Information about the contents of a specific microcode update (i.e. "what does this fix") are UNAVAILABLE, and there is nothing that we can do about it. The README file explains this.

  1a. sometimes we can guess something about a specific microcode update (we might be wrong about it) due to outside hints. This gets noted in the debian/changelog when it is useful information to help release management. This is not going to change, either, unless Intel decides to take over this package and they start providing better information (instead of the much more likely result that there will be no information whatsoever).

  2. The changelog has detailed information on the package contents, i.e. what microcode it contains, over time.

  3. A flat list of all microcodes in the current package can be trivially obtained using iucode_tool (package iucode-tool):

/usr/sbin/iucode_tool -L /lib/firmware/intel-ucode

 4. The list of "marketing names" of every chip a microcode update signature is related to, is not available.