Comment 25 for bug 798414

Revision history for this message
markling (markling) wrote : Re: update-initramfs should produce a more helpful error when there isn't enough free space


"Most likely is that you have a separate boot partition because you are using lvm or an encrypted filesystem."

True on both counts.

LVM and encryption were offered as options in the Xubuntu installer-for-dummies. Granted, an insy bit of knowledge may be required to to summon the courage to choose such options in the installer. But there is a whole D-class of user who have been led, bovine-like, into such territory with the odd sign here and passing chatter there.

"Most kernel updates add a new kernel but do not erase old versions."

That is apparenlty so.

Software Updater is still periodically, as today, giving me the message: "The upgrade needs a total of 43.2 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 1,147 k of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'."

It is not beyond me to look the routine to solve this problem up on the forums again. I might even next time remember that you posted a workaround here. It is however a great inconvenience. The last thing I need from Xubuntu is any more minor glitches or loose ends that cause me to have to workaround or dowithout or getlostinforumhell. Linux seems at times like it is disappearing under a mound of minor glitches.

This one is more than an inconvenience because it stops kernel upgrades. It is as though, if your usual morning routine was, after running out of the front door with toast in your mouth and papers falling out of your sachel, to jump in your car and speed off, that every now and again when you switched the car on it would say you needed petrol but you couldn't fill up till you cleaned the carburetter. You would speed off to work, knowing that the car was faulty and wondering when you could find the mental energy to pull out the Haynes manual and go over the carburetter cleaning routine again. And all because the good person who gave you the carborettor didn't get round to quite finishing it. It's fair enough, I suppose. But it does rather limit the appeal of motor transport to people who have the time and energy to clean their carburetter periodically.