Comment 17 for bug 43950

Revision history for this message
Marc Grosse (marc-grosse) wrote : Re: [Bug 43950]


sorry, the first motherboard, A8N-E is running well without the problem.

The second one, A8N32-SLI has the problem. (strange indeed, so similar
There is no booting problem when I remove from an USB plug the ICY-box 8 in
1 cardreader.
Pluging it after booting, it runs well.
It's finally a problem about USB at booting.
Hope that can help a bit.

2006/12/21, Chris Wagner <email address hidden>:
> On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 17:00 +0000, Marc Grosse wrote:
> > I suggest, just forget this problem, I can live with it, just removing
> > devices during booting operation.
> Well, if we can locate the problem, that would be better than forgetting
> about it. It is likely to bite someone else in the butt, too, and that
> user may just decide to go back to Windows ;).
> If the problem still exists after switching motherboards, then it seems
> likely that the faulty hardware is something that you've been using in
> both configurations (that is, with both motherboards). Unless, of
> course, these motherboards are both very similar in architecture, and
> since this does seem to be related to the USB devices, then it could be
> the motherboards... You're not using a separate USB device, are you
> (like one that sticks into a PCI slot)?
> I think the best thing you could do would be to try some other Linux
> distributions to see which of them have the same problem. This would
> probably help much in tracking down the problem.
> ...Or, if you don't want to bother, then we can close out this bug
> report.
> --
> Troubles booting Ubuntu since Dapper pre-releases (may be USB related?)

Bien cordialement

Marc Grossé
Tel: 03 89 69 03 41
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