Comment 0 for bug 2065037

Revision history for this message
Stefano (luckylinux777) wrote :

In automatically encrypted Clevis+Tang unlock of LUKS encrypted device (dmcrypt/cryptsetup) - on top of which the ZFS Pool for / resides, dhcpcd is used in order to obtain automatically an IP address during initramfs boot.

During this phase, dhcpcd is called before interfaces have carrier causing a 29 seconds boot delay.

Boot delay is currently 45 seconds, instead of the 15 seconds that it should.

BUG Initially reported in:

Relevant Logs:
dhcpcd-10.0.6 starting
no interfaces have a carrier
exiting due to oneshot
dhcpcd exited
Sleeping 29 seconds before retrying getting a DHCP lease
dhcpcd-10.0.6 starting

A possible workaround would be to manually edit /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions
Changing this:
`for ROUNDTTT in 30 60 90 120; do`

To this:
`for ROUNDTTT in 5 5 5 5; do`

But the proper solution would be to continuously "scan" the state of the Interface (every Second or so), and wait until the interface is UP, before deciding to call dhcpcd.