Comment 2 for bug 1899907

Revision history for this message
Brady Shea (bmatthewshea) wrote :

I resolved this 18->20 upgrade issue by making room in `/boot`.

> uname -a

(get current kernel running) I removed a 4.4 kernel that isn't used.

> sudo apt purge linux-image-4.4.0-000-generic

then run:
> sudo dpkg --configure -a
(`sudo update-grub` should also take care of it)

PS -
if you see:
"WARNING: PV /dev/sda5 in VG YOUR-vg is using an old PV header, modify the VG to update."
You also need to do:
> sudo vgck --updatemetadata YOUR-vg
should also fix those warnings post-20 upgrade.