Comment 124 for bug 129910

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Ian MacGregor (ardchoille42) wrote : Re: tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy

I'm no expert, but I have to disagree for the following reasons:

1) I cannot find "-b" anywhere in my /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/framebuffer file

2) My /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer file still contain the lines "blacklist vesafb" and "blacklist vga16fb"

3) /etc/initramfs-tools/modules is empty except for some commented out text

and my nvidia driver and tty's 1-6 are working properly. I can see and use elinks, mutt, mc, irssi, etc in tty 1-6.

I feel that problem is caused by either by the Restricted Manager or the nvidia-glx-new driver, since I installed the nvidia-glx driver manually from the command line and all my tty's are working and I am able to see/use them.
It would further narrow it down to hear from someone who has installed the nvidia-glx-new driver without using the Restricted Manager.

Even if the problem is caused by the nvidia-glx-new driver, the Restricted Manager is somewhat to blame because it doesn't give the user a choice of drivers.. if it did, I wouldn't have had this problem at all because I would never have chosen a driver with "new" in the name - I'd be in the same postition I am now with all tty's working and viewable.