Comment 4 for bug 882014

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Andrew Starr-Bochicchio (andrewsomething) wrote :

I saw this when it was first reported, but didn't comment at the time as I'm conflicted about it. The user experience is obviously not ideal as there are frequent crashes. Yet, these crashes don't really fall under the category of "RC buggy." There is no risk of data loss, no security issues are introduced, the problems are contained to the program, and do not lead to an unusable system. There is also no regression potential as all these issues exist in 11.10 as well.

My personal experience has been that once a day or so (usually coming back from suspend) it crashes and I simply re-add it without issue. And, honestly, there's a lot of stuff in universe that is a lot more broken. The reason it receives such a high volume of bug reports is that it is being used by many people. It provides functionality that used to be built into the default desktop and AFAICT is not available elsewhere in the archive. I, and many other users, will continue to use this despite the many issues.

The vast majority of these crashes happen when interacting with libdbusmenu. Maybe a DBus menu developer might be able to provide some guidance to indicator-weather upstream?