Comment 0 for bug 1350307

Revision history for this message
Martti Piirainen (piiramar) wrote :

Test steps (on mako hw, image 157)
 - Check that MMS data settings are correct
 - Register in a cellular network (easier to test if it's a slow 2G connection)
 - Open the Transfers indicator view
 - Receive an MMS

Actual results:
 1. A line "Unknown Download" is seen
 2. I have seen weird download percentages, like in email-related bug 1348162
 3. If you pause and resume the download, the MMS is not received at all. I have seen a nuntium panic ("panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range") once, and a nuntium parse error ("Unable to decode m-retrieve.conf: cannot decode media type for field beginning with 0x73@287457 with log Setting TransactionId to AOhIxA_U9F1E_ujkE") another time.

Expected results:
 1. A less confusing description (or hiding MMS downloads altogether)
 2. Correct percentages (or hiding MMS downloads altogether)
 3. MMS is received (or hiding MMS downloads altogether)