Comment 6 for bug 1305902

Revision history for this message
Da Rocket (darocket) wrote :

Need to clarify this issue.
The Ubuntu repository has version 0.3.17 of Pithos. This version works fine.
The problem starts when adding the PPA and updating to 0.3.18 or higher.
With Pithos 0.3.18 the indicator-sound freezes/greys out the second Pithos is launched. Once Pithos is running the indicator-sound can be restarted and it functions without issue unless Pithos is shutdown and restarted.

The latest version of Pithos 1.0.0 freezes indicator-sound and it cannot be restarted and will not function until the Pithos process is killed.

The issue can be resolved by removing the Pithos PPA, purging Pithos with 'sudo apt-get purge pithos' , updating repository with 'sudo apt-get update', and then installing the older version 0.3.17 in the Ubuntu repositoyr with 'sudo apt-get install pithos'.

Peace out.