Comment 1 for bug 138194

Revision history for this message
Adam Porter (alphapapa) wrote :

This just happened to me with Gutsy and KDE. I clicked "Turn Off" and closed the lid, and put my laptop in my bag--I've never had Kubuntu fail to shut down before. When I got home 20 minutes later, it had never shut down, and it was quite hot. Checking the acpid log shows that it executed the script for the lid event, and apparently shut down acpid, but the system did not shut down. The VTs were unresponsive, but I was able to use the SysRq key to make the kernel reboot.

In this log snippet, the button event was when I pressed the power button, after which I clicked "Turn Off". Then I closed the lid...

[Wed Apr 2 23:50:50 2008] completed event "button/power PBTN 00000080 00000005"
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:16 2008] received event "button/lid LID 00000080 00000003"
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:16 2008] notifying client 5664[107:116]
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:16 2008] notifying client 5739[0:0]
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:16 2008] notifying client 5739[0:0]
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:16 2008] executing action "/etc/acpi/"
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:16 2008] BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES
ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:18 2008] END HANDLER MESSAGES
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:18 2008] action exited with status 1
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:18 2008] completed event "button/lid LID 00000080 00000003"
[Wed Apr 2 23:51:40 2008] exiting