Comment 3 for bug 1587367

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Bug 1564342 seems to be unrelated: that is about “the rest of the screen”, that is, the part outside the menu, on a tablet or PC where the indicator doesn’t take up the whole screen. Your problem here seems to be that on a phone, there is no “rest of the screen” — the screen is covered by a black menu where brightness changes make little visible difference.

Possible solutions include:
a. Nothing — the change in brightness of the text is enough.
b. Remove the brightness slider from the indicator menu.
c. Make indicator menus not black.
d. Make indicator menus full-screen only if they contain at least a screenful of stuff, which this one doesn’t.
e. Make this particular menu not full-screen, as a special case.

I would go for (d), but I guess this is up to Paty.