Comment 14 for bug 1473428

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

You can usually tell whether anyone is looking into a bug by referring to the "Assigned to" cells at the top of the bug report.

Many things cause bugs to be neglected. One cause is poor-quality bug reports. For example, this report does not contain clear steps to reproduce the bug, making it much less interesting for developers. Another cause is reports filed under the wrong component. For example, none of the three screenshots attached show the battery indicator looking "weird" or showing any text at all. However, all of them show the System Settings "Battery" screen open, which suggests that you may be confusing the two. The indicator is the little battery icon at the top of the screen, and the black menu that you can open by dragging down from it.

If the battery indicator and System Settings "Battery" screen say the same thing, and they're both wrong, then the problem isn't with either of them, it's with the data they're receiving, so please report a bug on the upower package.

If the battery indicator is wrong but System Settings is right, please report a bug on indicator-power. If System Settings is wrong but the indicator is right (as seems to be the case in two of those screenshots), report a bug on ubuntu-system-settings.